Clear and transparent pricing
By joining WeAreFearless you will have access to hundreds of recipes, plus example weekly meal plans and shopping lists to make it easy for you. You can download and follow any of the Fearless run plans – from our version of couch to 5k to the marathon improvers plan. Join challenges, make connections, be inspired and feel supported.
WeAreFearless club is bold and it is brave. It is also affordable.
We keep it simple at WeAreFearless. We don’t do contracts and we don’t do set up fees. You can choose to stay for 1 month or 5 years. We’re just here to help you realise your true potential, and prove that you are capable.
You can also rest assured that we will never take on too many bespoke coached clients. This means that the time we dedicate to you is not spread thin, not rushed and is truly a personal service.